Rumi in the World: September 2020


Rumi’s teachings invite us to an inward journey. This journey takes us from the path of duality to the path of Unity. Body, mind and soul unify only when we pay attention to the world within us. In this section, from our Monthly Newsletter, we relate Rumi and his wisdoms to the world around us — whether this means current events, culture, philosophies, and much more. We examine how his wisdoms can be used to navigate our every day and to help us understand different aspects of life…

It feels like the truth is valued less and less today, but for that reason it is becoming even more valuable. We live in a modern world where access to facts and experts is widespread and easy to come by, yet it seems harder and harder to find the truth.

When we turn on our TVs we are faced with news sources that seem to be defined by sensationalism. The world of politics has never been known for being a truthful place but it seems to only get worse. Many of us don’t feel like we can even trust our leaders and experts. Those of us that have the time and the will to find the truth end up on an expedition, with traps laid out for us left and right.

Rumi teaches us that wisdom and truth go hand in hand. We have to use wisdom to guide ourselves to the truth. Not only our own truths but the truth around us.
— Taryna Hollinger, Associate Director