Touched by Rumi: October 2020
/Rumi has the ability to reach people of all backgrounds, ages, religions, and more. His wisdom sparks us to look within and influences us to view ourselves and the world in a different way. In this section of our Monthly Newsletter we ask people to show us how Rumi has affected them and their way of thinking.
Majie Lavergne is an award-winning French Abstract painter, born in Paris, France. He reached out to the Rumi Educational Center to share his Rumi Inspired Painting Series and we wanted to share it with all of you! The following interpretations are written by the artist himself...
This series of three 24” x 36” paintings are designed to create an experience in the viewer and to foster self-inquiry and inspiration. As the viewer stands in front of the painting, he/she reads Rumi’s quote and sees his/her own reflection through the mirror. It is as if, Rumi’s question is asked directly to the viewer, thus promoting in the viewer self-inquire and inspiration.
“Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.” ~ Rumi
In “What’s your potential?,” the mirror, designed as an infinity shape, is a call to limitless imagination. The infinity shape mirror reflects the viewer’s image, affirming her/his potential to think outside of the box and expand into new ideas, possibilities and solutions.
This inspirational quote speaks deeply to me since being a full creator, freed from self-consciousness and judgements, is one of my aspirations as an artist and as a human being.
On a cultural level, given the complexities of some of the issues the world is facing, playing small will not create the necessary solutions required. Huge projects and radical new ideas, fostered by great imagination are needed to address, for example, our environmental issues or the ongoing growing gap of our social inequalities.
This painting has been awarded First Place by the Federation of Canadian Artists in the Concept juried show in 2019 .
“You wander from room to room hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck.” ~Rumi
The geometrical shapes, the colors, the quotes, the mirrors and the titles are carefully chosen to provoke a reaction in the viewer.
I chose this quote because it cautions me against my wandering dissatisfied, restless mind, that too often looks outside for fulfillment.
Applied to a cultural level, this quote is a call to reflect over our society of consumption, our incessant need for more and instead to find satisfaction in what we already have and are.
In “What are you really looking for?”, the thick line suggestive of the necklace with the diamond mirror in it, reflects our own image, thus inviting us to consider that what we are really looking for is within us, is actually ourselves and not “out there”, a thing or an object to chase.
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I will meet you there.” ~ Rumi
This quote is a powerful reminder to move beyond my own fixed ideas and to open to other perspectives, bringing me out of my own limited experience of life.
On a societal level, the call to move away from opposition, separation and divisiveness is timely and much needed. The world would benefit from a new “field” where more open and real dialogues can unfold to foster connectedness and unity.
In “Will you meet me there?” the two different geometrical shapes; a line and a circle with its opposite colors of black and white represent the concepts of right and wrong.
At the point of meeting between the line and the circle, the black and white transform into a mirror (“the field”), reflecting the viewer’s image and that he/she can be “that field” and choose to stand for new possibilities and work towards common ground.
Visit Majie’s website below or email him at to learn more about him and view more of his artwork…