Rumi in the World: April 2022
/Rumi’s teachings invite us to an inward journey. This journey takes us from the path of duality to the path of Unity. Body, mind and soul unify only when we pay attention to the world within us. In this section, from our Monthly Newsletter, we relate Rumi and his wisdoms to the world around us — whether this means current events, culture, philosophies, and much more. We examine how his wisdoms can be used to navigate our every day and to help us understand different aspects of life…
“Res-ur-rec-tion; from the late latin verb resurgere, to rise again.
Religions across the world and across time show examples of resurrection. In Ancient Egypt, we see an early example of the “dying and rising God” motif in the God Osiris, the God of fertility, life, agriculture, the afterlife, and the dead. In ancient Mesopotamia, the god Tammuz and in the story “Inanna’s Descent into the Underworld” (which is similar to the more familiar story of Persephone) comes to be resurrected with the seasons.
The date around Easter is no accident, it is also in line with the blossoming of spring and the resurrection of new life on earth. Not only does this holiday and the process of resurrection carry significance in the movement of the earth and the change of natural processes, it provides spiritual solace in our personal landscapes. As Rumi explains, there is hope in the ability to shed old skin and come back to the divine source. To rise again from whatever has brought you down or is bringing you down, and to have faith in the natural divine processes of the planet and of God in one’s life. For millennia, humans have understood, through watching natural processes, one of the most stark for us to view sometimes, the necessity to succumb to the ebb and flow of life. ”