Rumi in the World: December 2019


Rumi’s teachings invite us to an inward journey. This journey takes us from the path of duality to the path of Unity. Body, mind and soul unify only when we pay attention to the world within us. In this section, from our Monthly Newsletter, we relate Rumi and his wisdoms to the world around us — whether this means current events, culture, philosophies, and much more. We examine how his wisdoms can be used to navigate our every day and to help us understand different aspects of life…

Celebrating the Season of Light: Yalda, Hanukkah, Christmas!

December is a time of year celebrated by many cultures and religions in the world. It becomes a month filled with celebrations of life. In Iranian culture, Yalda honors the birth of the God of light, Hanukkah observes the rededication of the Second Temple, and Christmas remembers the birth of Jesus Christ. They all commemorate life. Light has been a symbol of life since the world came to be so it is no coincidence that people use light to celebrate. Yelda is also known as the victory of light over darkness, Hanukkah as the Festival of Lights, and during Christmas, lights become a token of festivity. In December, loved ones come together to celebrate light – to celebrate life. Rumi teaches us to hope, to open our hearts to light and to keep light for others in the future. December is a month filled with love and light, and it is important to enjoy and remember its meaning.
— Taryna Hollinger, Associate Director