Rumi in the World: June 2022
/Rumi’s teachings invite us to an inward journey. This journey takes us from the path of duality to the path of Unity. Body, mind and soul unify only when we pay attention to the world within us. In this section, from our Monthly Newsletter, we relate Rumi and his wisdoms to the world around us — whether this means current events, culture, philosophies, and much more. We examine how his wisdoms can be used to navigate our every day and to help us understand different aspects of life…
“One thing that continues to amaze me about the verses of the great master Maulana Rumi is that their content and wisdom matches with the wisdom offered by a variety of religious traditions. For example, in this month’s blog, Dr. Fariba Enteshari uses a powerful verse from the bible in order to support her reflection of the chosen Ghazal, and explains how Rumi and Jesus have both provided us with the same advice: to gather in kindness, to see the power in togetherness, and to recognize the oneness within and between one another. Rumi’s famous poem “The Guest House,” encourages us to meet our passing emotions with respect, welcoming, and warmth, not to resist or pull back from more difficult emotions. This poem is another great example of his philosophy being intersectional, as it is a template for emotional mindfulness, and is often recited in mindfulness circles and used to teach and explain mindfulness to newcomers with grace and ease. How wonderful is it that people of so many traditions can reap from Rumi’s teachings? That he was so in touch so many years ago that he understood what is now a massive trend in wellness, psychology, and spirituality.”