Rumi in the World: July 2023
/Rumi’s teachings invite us to an inward journey. This journey takes us from the path of duality to the path of Unity. Body, mind and soul unify only when we pay attention to the world within us. In this section, from our Monthly Newsletter, we relate Rumi and his wisdoms to the world around us — whether this means current events, culture, philosophies, and much more. We examine how his wisdoms can be used to navigate our every day and to help us understand different aspects of life…
“All day the mind chatters, keeping the brain busy with thoughts and feelings of the past, worries of the future, and judgments of ourselves and others. The narrative presented by the ego can be a source of confusion, sadness, and high stress. It tries to help us navigate the world by filling in uncertainties or gaps in knowledge. However the story it builds is often more negative, fearful, and worried than the reality. This is because this story is built in order to help us survive, to walk steadily, predicting every bump in the road. This voice removes us from the wisdom of our bodies and the wisdom of our hearts, two invaluable tools that are equally powerful in navigating through the physical world. And because they speak through feeling, they do not get carried away so much as the mind does. This is why we gather with Rumi for meditation. To connect with the heart center, with the soul, and to make space for it to speak. The more this is practiced, the more naturally the inner voice speaks, and one may build awareness for the ego driven narrative, which can then be soothed. In times of confusion, decision making, or stress and fatigue, listen to the heart and find the answers, quiet, and safety there.”