Topic: The Thirst
4 - 4:45 pm PST
Online via zoom
Price: $15
A Sufi is a seeker of the path of Truth. Seekers search for answers in unlikely places — beneath the noise of this world.
A seeker may not know much of the quest but knows that it is the way to uncover the truth of who we are. The more thirsty the seeker is for an answer the more likely s/he sustains the difficulties of the path less traveled. Join us in this special webinar to nurture and nourish your thirst of knowing with Rumi’s poetry.
This is an online event. Once the customer has registered a zoom link will be sent to attend the webinar.
*It is very important to respect these 15 mins we will have together so we ask that everyone act respectfully towards each other and the host. Anyone who interrupts the practice or takes away from the time will not be permitted to join future meditations.*