Online Courses

Rumi Educational Center is developing more online courses to share the message of Rumi. These courses are designed to offer participants a chance to not only learn more about Rumi and his work, but to learn how to read and interpret his wisdoms.

Visit our Online Courses page for more information.

Rumi Educational Center Hosted

We enjoy working with other groups, organizations, and institutions to create unique lectures and presentations in various locations. These provide an opportunity for those who are new to Rumi and his invitation to explore the world within. Specific arrangements can be made to accommodate the interest and availability of groups, organizations, and institutions. To host or partner with the Rumi Educational Center please send us an email.


Contact us if you would like to host a fundraising event at your home, a venue, or online. 

Soul Room

In the prologue of Mathnawi, Rumi describes that it is up to us to see the soul – not up to our soul to see us. Our new meditation program is based on Rumi’s idea that we do not make enough time for our soul to shine through our lives. Join the Rumi Educational Center’s Soul Room to nourish the essence of who you are. 

Visit our Soul Room page for more information.

In Development…

Creativity with Rumi: Youth Programs

Creativity is known to improve wellbeing, self-esteem, confidence, and an ability to cope to effectively approach challenges in an empowering way. Rumi Educational Center will be collaborating with CreativeHowTo to develop creative programs for youth that incorporate the teachings of Rumi to foster wisdom, knowledge and love. These creative programs will include a variety of creative methods, including poetry writing, vision boards, handmade affirmation cards, and reflective art journaling.